Custom Clips 

Personalized clips tailored to each type of hair. More delicate or more striking headdresses; with the sole reason to beautify or to grab those two locks that always annoy; for day to day or for a special ceremony... Exclusive clips that can also be used as a lapel pin. Let your imagination run wild at the MeriTomasa's Treasure Factory.

Custom Clips

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • Scraps Clip

    Hair clip / headdress (or tie clip). The texture of the decorative motif is cross-linking (almost metal melting technique), darkened silver with assembled shiny silver scraps, dark sandblasted on the front. The clip in aged and scratched silver.

  • Somiatruites Clips

    Pieces created for the "Somiatruites" market. Here I present several hair clips (tb could be used as a tie needle) with different decorative motifs, all from the crosslinking technique, some with embedded copper beads. In the "Somiatruites" I participated in several calls, creating a collection tailor-made for the place and the occasion: simple, fun and...

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items