Secure payment

Secure browsing

The MeriTomasa website uses the HTTPS protocol (hypertext transfer secure protocol) and has an SSL security certificate (Secure Sockets Layer). In this way, when you browse my website or when you send me your personal data (username, password, purchase data, etc.), all information travels encrypted from your computer to the server where my website is hosted. This ensures the security of communication. You can see it in your browser: note that a green padlock appears in the navigation bar, which is the guarantee of confidentiality and security of my website.

This secure connection applies both to your browsing through any page of my website and when you fill out a contact form or when you make an online purchase.

Secure payment with Visa or MasterCard

When you make an online purchase on my website, you can make the payment through the Stipe POS, with a VISA or MasterCard, safely and easily. When you confirm the payment, the order is sent to Stripe to charge your account as a buyer and the corresponding deposit in MeriTomasa. As a customer, you will receive a payment confirmation email and you will be informed of the result of the operation through an HTML page.

Secure payment with PayPal

You can also buy at MeriTomasa with PayPal, but only if you contact me by email: the PayPal POS is incompatible with various modules of my website, made in Prestashop. I have contacted PayPal and Prestashop to try to resolve this incompatibility, but I guess I am too small a fish and I have not been able to obtain any solution. That's why I had to deactivate online sales with PayPal on my website... but if you don't want to make your payment with the Stripe POS and prefer to do it with PayPal, please contact me and I'll send you a personalized link to do so.

Secure payment with bank transfer or account deposit

You can also buy at MeriTomasa by making a bank transfer or an account deposit. This method applies only in the case of orders for personalized treasures or purchases with international shipments. In these cases, I will provide you with my bank details so that you can make the agreed payment. This payment method is slower than the previous ones and you must bear in mind that I will not proceed to elaborate your treasure until I receive reliable confirmation of your deposit, at which time I will also send you the corresponding invoice. To speed up the process, my recommendation is that you advance me the proof of the bank transfer or deposit via email, writing to me at

Changes in the payment method policy

MeriTomasa reserves the right to make changes to its payment policy at any time. Notification of these changes will be posted on this page.


If you have any questions, contact me and we'll talk.